Giải đề Describe A Work Of Art That You Have Seen trong IELTS Speaking Part 2, Part 3 và cập nhật các đề mẫu mới nhất


“Describe a work of art that you have seen” - một trong những đề thi được đánh giá ở mức độ nâng cao, thậm chí gây “hoảng” cho nhiều thí sinh trong phòng thi. Tuy nhiên, ngay cả khi không có một chút “cảm” nào về nghệ thuật, bạn vẫn có thể hoàn thành bài thi một cách trọn vẹn bằng cách ghi nhớ từ vựng và mẫu câu chung cho dạng đề trên!

Athena gửi đến các thí sinh bộ từ vựng và mẫu câu áp dụng cho mọi đề thi “Describe a work of art” kèm một số các đề mẫu ứng dụng luyện tập tại nhà!

Từ vựng áp dụng cho dạng bài Describe A Work Of Art

Để tránh trường hợp “đầu trống rỗng” khi gặp dạng bài Describe A Work Of Art, Athena gửi đến bạn bộ từ vựng  “xịn sò” có thể dễ dàng sử dụng cho dạng bài này. 

Bộ từ vựng không chỉ bao gồm các từ vựng cơ bản, mà còn chọn lọc các từ nâng cao, giúp bạn dễ dàng ghi điểm cho bài thi IELTS Speaking của mình. 

describe a work of art

Từ vựng áp dụng cho dạng bài Describe A Work Of Art


Một số từ vựng cơ bản về chủ đề Describe A Work Of Art



Awe-inspiring (a)

Tỏa sáng, gây ấn tượng mạnh

Intricate (a)

Tinh xảo

Precise (a)

Chính xác

Thought-provoking (a)

Gây suy tư, thúc đẩy tư duy

Controversial (a)

Gây tranh cãi

Iconic (a)

Biểu tượng

Majestic (a)

Tráng lệ

Evocative (a)

Gợi nhớ, gợi cảm xúc

Timeless (a)

Vĩnh cửu

Vibrant (a)

Sống động, đầy năng lượng

Mysterious (a)

Bí ẩn

Masterful (a)

Tài hoa

Poignant (a)

Xúc động

Innovative (a)

Đổi mới

Captivating (a)

Cuốn hút

Stunning (a)

Ngoạn mục

Harmonious (a)

Hài hòa

Expressive (a)

Biểu đạt

Composition (n)

Bố cục

Palette (n)

Bảng màu

Brushwork (n)

Nét vẽ

Subject matter (n)

Đề tài

Texture (n)

Kết cấu

Form (n)

Hình dáng

Symbolism (n)

Biểu tượng

Medium (n)

Chất liệu

Style (n)

Phong cách

Surreal (a)

Huyền bí

Emotional (a)

Cảm động

Serene (a)

Thanh bình

Melancholic (a)

Buồn bã

Dynamic (a)

Sôi động

Enigmatic (a)

Hóc mô

Striking (a)

Ấn tượng

Quirky (a)

Kỳ cục

Impressionistic (a)

Ấn tượng

Provocative (a)

Kích thích

Mesmerizing (a)

Cuốn hút

Graceful (a)

Duyên dáng

Unique (a)

Độc đáo

Dazzling (a)

Lóa mắt

Bold (a)

Táo bạo

Dreamy (a)

Mơ màng

Refined (a)

Tinh tế

Pioneering (a)

Đầu tiên

Innovative (a)

Đổi mới

Engaging (a)

Lôi cuốn

Whimsical (a)

Kỳ diệu

Impressive (a)

Ấn tượng

Hypnotic (a)

Gây mê

Enchanting (a)

Hấp dẫn

Compelling (a)

Hấp dẫn

Visionary (a)

Tầm nhìn

Powerful (a)

Mạnh mẽ

Balanced (a)

Cân đối

Exquisite (a)

Tuyệt vời

Radiant (a)

Tỏa sáng

Một số từ vựng nâng cao về chủ đề Describe A Work Of Art




Evanescent (a)

Phù du, thoáng qua

Enthralling (a)

Cuốn hút, quyến rũ

Multifaceted (a)

Đa mặt, đa chiều

Provocative (a)

Kích thích, gây tranh cãi

Unconventional (a)

Phi thường, không theo quy tắc

Resonate (v)

Gợi lại cảm xúc, đọng lại

Exquisite (a)

Tinh xảo, tuyệt vời

Epoch-defining (a)

Định hình thời kỳ, quan trọng

Paradigm-shifting (a)

Thay đổi mô hình, đổi mới quan điểm

Prolific (a)

Giàu có

Elusive (a)

Khó nắm bắt, thoát khỏi

Idiosyncratic (a)

Đặc biệt, riêng biệt

Visionary (n)

Người có tầm nhìn

Meticulous (a)

Tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận


Một số cụm collocation và idioms dành cho chủ đề A Work Of Art


A stroke of genius

Ý tưởng táo bạo

A splash of color

Một vệt màu

A work of art in itself

Một tác phẩm có sự sáng tạo đặc biệt

A labor of love

Làm vì yêu

A feast for the eyes

Đẹp đến ngạc nhiên/ tròn mắt

In the eye of the beholder

Vẻ đẹp nằm trong đôi mắt của kẻ si tìn

A picture is worth a thousand words

Một bức tranh có giá trị bằng nghìn lời nói (rất đẹp)

Chalk and cheese

Hai điều hoàn toàn khác nhau

Behind the scenes

Những khía cạnh không thấy trong việc tạo ra nghệ thuật


Tìm hiểu thêm: IELTS Speaking Part 3: Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách trả lời + bài mẫu theo từng chủ đề

Mẫu câu vận dụng cho bài Describe A Work Of Art

Các mẫu câu do Athena tổng hợp bên dưới sẽ đi theo trình tự First Impression (Ấn tượng đầu tiên) - Highlighting Uniqueness (Mô tả, giới thiệu chi tiết về tác phẩm) - Making Personal Associations (Cảm nhận cá nhân) để giúp thí sinh có thể tối ưu hơn trong quá trình học tập.

describe a work of art,

Mẫu câu vận dụng cho bài Describe A Work Of Art


Một số câu mô tả cảm giác, ấn tượng ban đầu:

  • In my opinion, this painting is truly awe-inspiring, and it leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. - Theo quan điểm của tôi, bức tranh này thực sự làm người xem cảm thấy sửng sốt và để lại ấn tượng lâu dài.
  • What I find most captivating about this artwork is its intricate details and the precision of the artist's technique. - Điều tôi thấy hấp dẫn nhất về bức tranh này là sự tinh xảo và chính xác của người nghệ sĩ.
  • One of the things that I appreciate about this sculpture is its majestic presence and the use of fine materials. - Một trong những điều tôi trân trọng về bức tượng này là sự hiện diện tráng lệ và việc sử dụng các chất liệu tốt.
  • Another aspect that draws me in is the evocative quality of this artwork, which stirs deep emotions. - Một khía cạnh khác khiến tôi bị cuốn hút là tính chất gợi nhớ của bức tranh này, nó đánh thức những cảm xúc sâu sắc.
  • This painting is thought-provoking, making you contemplate its meaning and the artist's intentions. - Bức tranh này gợi suy tư, khiến bạn suy ngẫm về ý nghĩa của nó và ý định của nghệ sĩ.


Tìm hiểu thêm: Cấu trúc và bộ từ vựng hay giúp ghi điểm tuyệt đối chủ đề Talk about your hometown


Một số câu dùng để giới thiệu, mô tả tác phẩm:

  • What sets this artwork apart is its innovative use of materials and the way it pushes the boundaries of traditional art. - Điều làm nổi bật bức tranh này là cách sử dụng sáng tạo các chất liệu và cách nó đẩy xa giới hạn của nghệ thuật truyền thống.
  • This piece stands out as the real McCoy, representing the epitome of artistic authenticity. - Bức tranh này nổi bật như là bản gốc, biểu tượng của tính chân thực trong nghệ thuật.
  • The artwork is like nothing I've seen before; it has a distinct and visionary quality. - Bức tranh này khác hẳn mọi thứ tôi từng thấy; nó có tính chất riêng và cách nhìn riêng.
  • It seems as if this sculpture exists in its own world, separate from the ordinary. - Có vẻ như bức tượng này tồn tại trong thế giới riêng của nó, tách biệt khỏi thực tế thông thường.
  • The painting is a true masterpiece, showcasing the artist's pioneering spirit and skill. - Bức tranh này là một tác phẩm kỳ diệu, thể hiện tinh thần đầu tiên và tài năng của nghệ sĩ.


Một số câu dùng để diễn tả cảm xúc cá nhân:

  • It's as if this artwork takes you on a journey through time, allowing you to witness history unfold. - Cứ như là bức tranh này đưa bạn vào cuộc hành trình qua thời gian, cho phép bạn chứng kiến lịch sử diễn ra.
  • When I look at this piece, it makes me think of the intricate web of life and the interconnectedness of all things. - Khi tôi nhìn vào bức tranh này, nó khiến tôi nghĩ đến sự phức tạp của cuộc sống và mối liên kết giữa tất cả mọi thứ.
  • This artwork transports me to a serene and dreamy world, where reality blurs into fantasy. - Bức tranh này đưa tôi đến một thế giới thanh bình và mơ màng, nơi hiện thực lẫn vào tưởng tượng.
  • It's as if the colors and shapes in this artwork tell a story of resilience and hope. - Cứ như là màu sắc và hình dáng trong bức tranh này kể một câu chuyện về sự kiên định và hy vọng.
  • This sculpture reminds me of the power of human creativity and the ability to transform raw materials into works of art. - Bức tượng này nhắc tôi về sức mạnh của sáng tạo con người và khả năng biến các nguyên liệu thô thành tác phẩm nghệ thuật.
  • This artwork is incredibly emotional, and it has the power to move the viewer to tears. - Bức tranh này rất đầy cảm xúc và nó có khả năng làm xúc động người xem đến nước mắt.
  • What strikes me the most is the profound sense of melancholy that emanates from this painting. - Điều đánh đối với tôi nhiều nhất là cảm xúc buồn bã sâu sắc tỏa ra từ bức tranh này.
  • It's hard to put into words how deeply this artwork resonates with me on an emotional level. - Khó diễn tả thành lời được độ sâu mà bức tranh này tạo cảm giác trong tôi ở một mức độ cảm xúc.
  • This piece is truly hypnotic, as if it has a spellbinding effect on anyone who gazes upon it. - Bức tranh này thực sự làm mê hoặc, cứ như là nó có tác động gây mê lừa trên bất kỳ ai nhìn vào nó.
  • The artist's use of color and light creates a serene and almost spiritual atmosphere. - Cách nghệ sĩ sử dụng màu sắc và ánh sáng tạo ra một không gian thanh bình và gần như thiêng liêng.

Cập nhật các bài mẫu mới nhất Describe A Work Of Art 

Các đề mẫu được cập nhật liên tục từ đầu 2023 đến thời điểm hiện tại. Các mẫu đề Describe A Work Of Art được thay đổi dưới nhiều hình thức khác nhau, người học cần xem qua tất cả các dạng đề để chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho kỳ thi.

describe a work of art,

Các đề mẫu mới nhất Describe A Work Of Art 


IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe A Work Of Art

Describe a piece of art that you like.

You should say:

  • what the piece of art is
  • where and when you saw it
  • what it looks like or what it show
  • and explain why you like this piece of art.


Mẫu trả lời:

Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to visit Florence in Italy. When I was there, I spent a day exploring the Uffizi Gallery, which has one of the best art collections in the world. I walked around the whole gallery and took in thousands of paintings and sculptures, but I suppose the one that really captured my imagination was Sandra Botticelli’s painting, “The Birth of Venus.”

This is a large oil painting dating from, I think, the 15th century. It is one of the world’s most famous paintings and is considered an icon of the Italian renaissance. Although it is an Italian painting, the subject matter is Greek mythology. The nude female figure at the center of the painting is Venus, a goddess worshiped by the ancient Greeks. She is riding a giant scallop shell, which is what makes the scene so unusual and memorable. The painting is not very realistic, of course, this was before artists began trying to capture perspective and light as they appear in reality.

Instead, the painting is intended to tell a story and make the viewer feel a certain way. I like it because it is captivating when you look at Botticelli’s work, you are drawn into the painting and you feel curious about the central character.

It makes you wonder where she is going and what will happen, as well as the significance of the various objects and people around her. Like many great paintings, I could sit and marvel at this all day.


Describe a painting or work of art

You should say:

  • When did you see this work of art?
  • Where did you see it?
  • What does it look like?
  • And explain why you like it.


Mẫu trả lời:

One of my favourite pieces of art is called The Fighting Temeraire, by an artist called Turner.

It is an oil painting of a large old-fashioned battleship, the Temeraire, being towed back to harbor at sunset with all of its sails down so it can be towed by the tugboat. To be honest, I can’t really remember when I first saw this painting because it is one of the most famous paintings in Britain so I probably saw a picture of it in a book. I have only ever seen the original painting once, in the National Gallery in London, where I was a bit surprised to find that it was quite a lot smaller than I expected it to be.


I wish I knew more about this painting really. I think it was painted in the 1830s or thereabouts. As far as I know, this picture shows the ship being taken on its last journey, after it had been wrecked during a battle. One of the things I love about this painting is the way that Turner, the artist, uses impressions and light. There are hardly any lines in the painting, so everything is a kind of haze, even the shoreline between the water and the sandy river bank. I have heard that Turner’s style had a big influence on French Impressionist painters, such as Monet. Another thing I find fascinating about this painting is the sunset. Turner and other artists at the time often painted very dramatic sunsets and it is now believed that the skies they could see really were this dramatic, because a huge volcano had erupted in Indonesia shortly before that time and the ash cloud from the volcano that spread around the world would have made the sunsets and skies much more colourful, and the atmosphere seem hazier.


So it’s like seeing a period of past natural history through the eyes of the artist.


Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen

You should say:

  • Where you saw it
  • What it was about
  • When you saw it
  • And explain how you felt about it


Mẫu trả lời:

Today I would like to tell you about one of the most well-known paintings in the world, which is also my personal favourite, the portrait of Mona Lisa. You know, the painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist from the 15th century. When I first saw this painting in one of my high school textbooks, I just couldn’t take my eyes off it due to some mysterious attractiveness.

At first sight, all I noticed in the painting was a long-haired woman with a friendly smile on her face, which was quite round, and she had no eyebrows either. The more I looked at it though, the more I felt like she was actually smiling at me.

Some people have claimed that Mona Lisa was simply an imaginary character while others have believed that she was actually Leonardo’s wife. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter to me though because I think that the Mona Lisa is a masterpiece that attracts people with that magical smile. This is also one of the main reasons why I am a fan of the painting.

In terms of the actual truths behind this portrait though, I guess we may never know, but I think that secrets make everything all the more intriguing.


Describe a work of art that you was impressed of

You should say:

  • Where you saw it
  • What it was about
  • When you saw it
  • And explain how you felt about it


Mẫu trả lời:

Before I dare to say a word about this particular topic, I must admit that I am no “art enthusiast” or “aesthete” who can analyze or critique any artwork. So, please bear with me and be patient. And thank you for this interesting topic.

Anyway, the artwork, or a painting rather, I want to talk about is of a “Lone flying bird” under the sky on a bright, sunny day. Initially, I couldn’t really make much of this painting. But when I asked the guide in that city art gallery, which I visited with my friends a year ago, about the “artwork”, she told me that it was a “watercolour painting” and that the painting was done by an “autistic” 9 years old boy.

By the way, the section of that city art gallery, which I was visiting at that time, was dedicated and assigned only for the paintings and artworks of young and gifted children of my city, apparently because the city authority wanted to encourage their young and gifted kids to learn and appreciate the arts. However, among many other beautiful looking artworks, this particular piece caught my eye, mainly because it had some truly amazing colour combinations and that too came from a 9 years old autistic young boy!

In fact, the light pink colour of the sky and the flying bird in blue colour matched so perfectly with the crystal clear blue water of the ocean underneath, as if the bluebird (a “great blue heron”) - so tiny in comparison with the ocean - was competing with the sky for attention, and also that it couldn’t possibly be more beautiful looking than the bird! Such awesome paint!

Anyway, I like the artwork so much, mainly because it was so simple and yet so deep in meaning in the sense that it was able to capture the imagination of a gifted and young kid. I like it also because it portrayed the unadulterated beauty of mother nature by playing with some simple colours.


 Describe a piece of artwork by a famous person

  • What the artwork was
  • Where and when you saw it
  • How it made you feel


Mẫu trả lời:

One memorable piece of artwork that has left a lasting impression on me is “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh. I had the opportunity to see this iconic painting at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City a few years ago. It was during a summer vacation when I visited the museum with my family. When I stood in front of “Starry Night,” I was immediately captivated by the vibrant colors and swirling brushstrokes. The painting depicts a nocturnal scene with a mesmerizing sky filled with stars and a small village below. The way van Gogh portrayed the movement and energy of the night sky was truly remarkable.

As I gazed at the artwork, I felt a sense of tranquility and wonder. The painting seemed to transport me into another world, as if I was standing beneath that very sky, observing its magnificence. The vivid colors and dynamic brushwork created a sense of movement and depth, making the painting come alive.

This artwork is particularly memorable to me because it showcased van Gogh’s unique artistic style and his ability to convey emotions through his work. “Starry Night” is not only visually stunning but also evokes a profound sense of awe and inspiration. It reminded me of the power of art to transcend boundaries and touch the depths of our souls.

Overall, the experience of seeing “Starry Night” was truly unforgettable. It deepened my appreciation for van Gogh’s genius and the transformative nature of art. It serves as a constant reminder of the beauty and emotional impact that art can have on our lives.


IELTS Speaking Art – Part 3


  • Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to educating children?

Answer: Pablo Picasso once said that “every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. Therefore, offering children the much-needed space to create, to explore and to express themselves through art is absolutely important so that a holistic approach to education can be ensured. However, the purpose of art as academic subjects is not, and should not be, taught just to produce some “world-class artists”, but to provide a means of exploring feelings and experiences and expressing them beautifully which “words”, that we use on a regular basis, can’t do alone. This is something that every child can experience and benefit from.  In other words, the children should be able to find the true value of “art” in the process itself as well, not only in the “end product”.



  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of art education?

Answer: There are a number of advantages of art education. In fact, many studies suggest that art education has many social and academic benefits to students as it promotes self-directed learning and sharpens creative problem-solving skills and critical thinking. The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels by connecting students with their own culture as well as with the rest of the world. Studies also suggest that Integrating art education with other disciplines helps reach the students who otherwise wouldn’t feel “engaged” and interested in class works.


However, there are some disadvantages to art education as well. Learning art can be time-consuming and sometimes can take “decadesdecade” to succeed in the “business” of art. Another major disadvantage of art is, people, in general, don’t exactly understand the idea of “art”, and therefore, don’t exactly learn to “appreciate” art, whether it is drama, painting, or music, which can be really depressing and de-motivating for the aspiring artists.



  •  Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others do not?

Answer: The fact thatfact, that some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures while others don’t, can be attributed primarily, in my opinion, to how much “art education” one has received. Besides, this is also an issue of “sensibility” and how emotionally we get triggered by certain artworks. In fact, there is a theory which explains that because colours, shapes, sounds and thoughts are all waves form, and the more we are sensitive to these kinds of waves, the better we can understand an emotional message, considering that a piece of painting or sculpture essentially is an expression of an emotion, or transmit it. Besides, another “theory” suggests that most “visually intelligent” people love art while people who cannot concentrate upon a single detail for more than 10 seconds cannot enjoy art.



  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist?

Answer: On a metaphysical level, an advantage of being an artist is that he/she has a heightened sensitivity to the surroundings and being able to nurture it with a childlike playfulness towards experiences throughout the entire life by having the satisfaction by creating something “beautiful and special”. But on a practical level, being an artist allows one to become his or her own “boss” without having to worry about ‘satisfying’ others.


However, one of the major disadvantages of being an artist is that he/she is not financially solvent most of the timetimes, and he/she has to rely on some other sources of income to survive. And, as a result, an artist has no or a very limited social life. Another disadvantage of being an artist is that mostis most people don’t take “art” as an actual “profession” which can be equally demoralizing and frustrating for a person with a sense of “self-respect”.



  • Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?

Answer: Yes, I do think that some people are naturally better artists than others, just like somebody is better in science and mathematics academically, primarily because of their genetic structure and disposition towards “creativity”. In fact, it is my opinion that it is the “genetic disposition” of some children who spent much of their time in their childhood by engaging in creative activity, whether it was drawing or singing, or whatever that they enjoyed, in order to develop their skills from the early years of their lives in the process of play.


Of course, some people would choose to argue that it is their “passion” that drives them to become “better” artists. But, even if I agree with them to some extent just for the “sake of debate”, I would still argue that if it is not for their “natural inclination or disposition”, they wouldn’t be able to turn themselves into some “better” artists.


Tổng kết

Từ vựng và các mẫu câu vận dụng trong dạng đề Describe A Work Of Art được Athena tổng hợp trong bài viết này sẽ là những “vũ khí” hữu ích giúp người học đạt được điểm cao trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. Để bứt phá ở những band điểm cao hơn, người học có thể tham khảo lộ trình và lớp học tại Athena:

  • Khóa học thiết kế cho các bạn từ 0 đạt 6.5-8.0+ 
  • Lộ trình học “tối giản”, “tối ưu” giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức cơ bản, và nắm chắc tấm bằng IELTS 6.5-8.0+ trong tầm tay.
  • Giáo trình và phương pháp được chính Ths. Đỗ Vân Anh (8.5 IELTS với 10 năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy TOEIC/IELTS)  biên soạn và giảng dạy trực tiếp.
  • Học phí “nhẹ ví” với các bạn sinh viên: Khóa IELTS từ mất gốc đến 6.5-8.0+ tại Athena là lựa chọn phù hợp với các bạn sinh viên mong muốn sở hữu tấm bằng IELTS với chi phí thấp nhưng chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, Athena còn trao học bổng định kỳ với các bạn đạt điểm IELTS như mong ước.


 Thông tin chi tiết về khoá học IELTS từ 0 đạt 6.5-8.0 của Athena TẠI ĐÂY Đăng ký kiểm tra trình độ miễn phí: TẠI ĐÂY.

describe a work of art


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