Giải đề: Describe an important journey that was delayed

Athena gửi các bạn giải đề IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 có trong bộ đề dự đoán IELTS Speaking trong quý 1/2024. Hãy theo dõi ngay anh ngữ Athena để nhanh chóng cập nhật nhiều đề thi IELTS Speaking gần đây cũng như các bài mẫu IELTS có trong Forecast để có thể ôn luyện thật tốt nhé!

Topic: Describe an important journey that was delayed

You should say

  • When it was
  • Why it was important
  • How it was delayed
  • And how you felt about it

Seven years ago, I embarked on a crucial journey that was supposed to mark a milestone in my career. It was an important business trip aimed at signing a contract with significant firms, a deal that could potentially shape the course of my professional trajectory. The journey, however, was marred by incessant delays, courtesy of the notorious VJ airline in Vietnam. Despite anticipating potential delays, nothing could have prepared me for the series of setbacks that ensued. First, it was the weather: foggy conditions, followed by heavy rain that caused delays on four separate occasions. Each time, we were assured it was for safety reasons, though the reasons blurred together in a haze of frustration.


Finally, when we were aboard the plane and poised for takeoff, we found ourselves stranded on the tarmac for over an hour. The airline cited a backlog of planes waiting to use the runway, prolonging our agony and exacerbating our fatigue. Throughout the event, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions, agreement with the inevitability of delays, exhaustion from the prolonged waiting, and anxiety about potentially missing the contract signing. While I was fortunate not to miss the crucial meeting, the delay left me with scant time to recuperate before diving into the high-stakes negotiations.


Bài mẫu IELTS Part 3

1. How to improve the traffic condition in a city?
I believe one of the most effective strategies is to invest in and expand public transportation networks across various locations. By providing convenient and subsidized public transportation options, people are more likely to opt for them over private vehicles, thus reducing traffic congestion on roads.

2. Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?
Without a doubt, this choice often stems from practical considerations such as the lack of public transportation routes serving their destinations or if the services provided are unreliable or of poor quality.

3. How can transportation in rural areas be developed?
It can be developed through various means, but one promising approach is to enhance road infrastructure. By improving roads, we can better connect remote villages with urban centers and key facilities like schools, hospitals, and markets.

Tổng kết

Và đó là lời giải chi tiết cho speaking part 2&3 với chủ đề "Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event". Hãy tìm hiểu thêm nhiều bài mẫu IELTS Speaking và Speaking của Athena trong bộ Dự đoán đề IELTS Speaking Quý 1/2024 để học hỏi và chinh phục tấm bằng IELTS với điểm số thật cao nhé!

Tham khảo khóa học IELTS toàn diện từ mất gốc cam kết đầu ra 7.0+ của Athena giúp bạn nâng điểm Speaking nhanh chóng: 

  • Lộ trình học “tối giản”, “tối ưu” giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức cơ bản, và nắm chắc tấm bằng IELTS 7.0+ trong tầm tay.
  • Được giảng dạy trực tiếp bởi ThS. Đỗ Vân Anh (8.5 IELTS với 10 năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy TOEIC/IELTS)  
  • Được chữa Speaking 1-1 trực tiếp hàng tuần cùng Cô Vân Anh - “Đặc quyền” chỉ có tại khóa học của Athena. 
  • Học phí “nhẹ ví” với các bạn sinh viên: Khóa IELTS từ mất gốc đến 7.0+ tại Athena là lựa chọn phù hợp với các bạn sinh viên mong muốn sở hữu tấm bằng IELTS với chi phí thấp nhưng chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, Athena còn trao học bổng định kỳ với các bạn đạt điểm IELTS như mong ước.



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