So sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh: 3 công thức + cách dùng phổ biến nhất


So sánh bằng trong Tiếng Anh được xếp vào chủ điểm ngữ pháp quan trọng trong việc ôn thi lớp 10, THPT, TOEIC và cả IELTS. Khám phá tất tần tật "so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh" chỉ với 3 công thức cơ bản và cách dùng phổ biến nhất, giúp người học chinh phục ngữ pháp và nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp một cách mạch lạc và tự nhiên.

Giới thiệu về so sánh bằng

So sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh là cách để chỉ ra sự tương đồng hoặc bằng nhau giữa hai đối tượng hoặc hơn, về tính chất, đặc điểm, hoặc số lượng.  Ngữ pháp so sánh bằng thường xuất hiện trong các câu có một tính từ, trạng từ, danh từ. 

Ví dụ: 

  • The car travels at the same speed as the train. (Xe ô tô di chuyển cùng tốc độ như tàu.)
  • I have the same amount of money as you. (Tôi có số tiền bằng bạn)
  • Her performance in the exam is as good as her friend's (Kết quả bài thi của cô ấy không kém gì bạn cô ấy.)

Công thức so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh

Có 3 dạng so sánh bằng cơ bản trong Tiếng Anh và một số dạng bài tập mở rộng:

So sánh bằng với tính từ

Công thức cơ bản nhất để tạo nên so sánh bằng với tính từ là sử dụng cụm từ "". Cấu trúc này thường được sử dụng với mục đích thể hiện sự ngang bằng giữa hai đối tượng. 



Cấu trúc khẳng định

Cấu trúc phủ định

Công thức

S1 + V + as + adj + as S2 (+V)

S + be + not + so/as + adj + as + S2 (+V)

Ví dụ

She is as tall as her brother. (Cô ấy cao bằng anh trai của mình)

She is not as tall as her brother. (Cô ấy không cao bằng anh trai mình.)

= She is not so tall as her brother

so sánh bằng trong tiếng anh

So sánh bằng trong tiếng anh với tính từ

So sánh bằng với trạng từ

So sánh bằng với trạng từ cũng sử dụng cấu trúc "" để chỉ ra sự tương đồng trong cách thực hiện một hành động.


Cấu trúc khẳng định

Cấu trúc phủ định

Công thức

S1 + V + as + adv + as S2 (+V)

S1 + do/does not + Verb + as + adverb + as + S2

Ví dụ

He runs as quickly as his friend. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh bằng bạn mình.)

He does not run as quickly as his friend. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh bằng bạn mình.)

so sánh bằng trong tiếng anh

So sánh bằng trong tiếng anh với trạng từ

So sánh bằng với danh từ

So sánh bằng với cụm “as much/many/little/ few as” 

Khi so sánh bằng với danh từ, chúng ta thường sử dụng "as much/little as" cho danh từ không đếm được và "as many/few as" cho danh từ đếm được.



Cấu trúc khẳng định

Cấu trúc phủ định

Công thức

S + V + as much/many/little/few + N + as + S2

S + do/does not V + as much/many/little/few + N + as + S2.

Ví dụ

She does not have as much freedom as her brother. (Cô ấy không có nhiều tự do bằng anh trai mình.)

He does not have as many opportunities as his colleague. (Anh ấy không có nhiều cơ hội bằng đồng nghiệp của mình.)


so sánh bằng trong tiếng anh

So sánh bằng trong tiếng anh với danh từ


So sánh bằng với cụm “the same…as” 

Công thức "the" được sử dụng khi muốn nhấn mạnh hai đối tượng có chung một đặc điểm hoặc tính chất nào đó.


Cấu trúc khẳng định

Cấu trúc phủ định

Công thức

S1 + V + the same + (noun) + as + S2

S1 + V + not + the same + (noun) + as + S2

Ví dụ

We have the same interests as they do. (Chúng tôi có những sở thích giống họ.)

This book is not the same as the one you lent me. (Cuốn sách này không giống cuốn mà bạn đã cho tôi mượn.)


Mở rộng so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh

So sánh bằng cụm “Not different…from”

Cụm “different from” được sử dụng để diễn đạt sự khác nhau giữa 2 vật thể, tuy nhiên khi thêm “not” vào trước “different” ta có thể sử dụng để miêu tả sự tương đồng giữa hai đối tượng.



Cấu trúc khẳng định

Công thức

S1 + V+ not different from + S2

Ví dụ

The lemonade that you made was not different from the one I made. ( Ly nước chanh em làm giống với ly của anh làm.)


Lưu ý đối với trường hợp viết lại câu so sánh bằng từ so sánh nhất


Cấu trúc 

Công thức

S1 + To Be + adj-est/ the most adj + …

S1 + V + the most adv + …

Viết lại câu 

Nếu S1 là người:

=> Nobody/ No one + To be/V + as + adj/adv + as + S1

Nếu S1 là vật:

=>Nothing + To be/V + as + adj/adv + as + S1

Ví dụ

Lan is the tallest of all

=> Nobody is as tall as Lan

Tìm hiểu thêm: Bài Tập Câu Điều Kiện Loại 1,2,3 Kèm Lời Giải Chi Tiết


Bài tập so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh

Bài tập 1: Rewrite the following sentences using "" to show equality.

  1. Tom weighs 70 kilograms. Jerry weighs 70 kilograms. (weigh/heavy)
  2. My car can reach 180 kilometers per hour. Your car can reach 180 kilometers per hour. (go/fast)
  3. This book contains 300 pages. That book contains 300 pages. (have/page)
  4. Sally can run 5 kilometers. Mike can run 5 kilometers. (run/far)
  5. The Eiffel Tower is 330 meters tall. The Chrysler Building is 319 meters tall. (be/tall)
  6. I sleep for 8 hours every night. My brother sleeps for 8 hours every night. (sleep/long)
  7. Our garden has 15 roses. Their garden has 15 roses. (have/rose)
  8. The movie lasted for 2 hours. The play lasted for 2 hours. (last/long)
  9. She can speak Spanish fluently. He can speak Spanish fluently. (speak/fluent)
  10. This summer is very hot. Last summer was very hot too. (be/hot)
  11. Kevin’s essay is 1000 words long. Rachel’s essay is 1000 words long. (be/long)
  12. The coffee in this café is very good. The coffee in that café is very good too. (taste/good)
  13. The computer game costs $50. The board game costs $50. (cost/much)
  14. Julia sings beautifully. Her sister sings beautifully too. (sing/beautiful)
  15. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. Their teacher gives them a lot of homework. (give/much homework)
  16. The water in the lake is very clear. The water in the river is very clear too. (be/clear)
  17. This painting is very old. That sculpture is very old too. (be/old)
  18. Jack can hold his breath for one minute. Jill can hold her breath for one minute. (hold/breath long)
  19. The science exam was difficult. The math exam was difficult too. (be/difficult)
  20. Our new sofa is very comfortable. Our old armchair was very comfortable too. (be/comfortable)


Bài tập 2: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. He runs as ________ as his brother.

A) fastly

B) fast

C) quickly

2. She can speak Spanish as ________ as her teacher.

A) fluent

B) fluently

C) smooth

3. They completed the project as ________ as possible.

A) quick

B) quicker

C) quickly

4. The movie ended as ________ as it started.

A) abrupt

B) more suddenly

C) suddenly

5. This car drives as ________ as the other one.

A) smooth

B) smoothly

C) smoother

6. The flowers bloomed as ________ as this year as last year.

A) beauty

B) beautiful

C) beautifully

7. The train arrives as ________ as the schedule states.

A) punctual

B) punctually

C) more punctually

8. She wrote the essay as ________ as her friend.

A) careful

B) more carefully

C) carefully

9. The cake tastes as ________ as it looks.

A) good

B) well

C) nicely

10. He explained the problem as ________ as his teacher.

A) clear

B) clearly

C) clearer

11. They acted as ________ as professionals in the play.

A) professional

B) professionally

C) more professionally

12. The story was told as ________ as we expected.

A) exciting

B) excited

C) excitingly

13. The dog followed its owner as ________ as a shadow.

A) close

B) closely

C) closer

14. She remembered the details as ________ as he did.

A) clear

B) clearer

C) clearly

15. The team worked as ________ as they could under the pressure.

A) efficient

B) efficiently

C) more efficiently

Bài tập 3: Complete the sentences below, using the words in brackets and the correct structure.

  1. This book has __________ pages __________ that one. (the same/number)
  2. He spends __________ money on video games __________ his friend. (as much/as)
  3. She has __________ __________ intelligence __________ her brother. (the same/level)
  4. Our team scored __________ goals __________ their team in the match. (as many/as)
  5. The movie lasted __________ __________ __________ the previous one we watched. (the same/time)
  6. I drink __________ coffee __________ she does every morning. (as much/as)
  7. They have __________ __________ problems __________ we do with the new software. (the same/number)
  8. She can run __________ kilometers __________ him in an hour. (as many/as)
  9. This recipe requires __________ sugar __________ that one. (the same/amount)
  10. The twins have __________ __________ birthday __________ each other. (the same/as)
  11. He has read __________ books this year __________ his teacher. (as many/as)
  12. Our garden has __________ types of flowers __________ theirs. (the same/number)
  13. She achieved __________ high scores __________ her classmate on the test. (as many/as)
  14. The company offers __________ benefits __________ the competitor. (the same/as)
  15. They have __________ __________ opinion __________ this issue. (the same/as)
  16. This brand provides __________ __________ quality __________ that one. (the same/as)
  17. I need __________ time to finish this task __________ you needed. (the same/as)
  18. Our cat has __________ __________ fur __________ yours. (the same/color)
  19. He can hold his breath __________ __________ __________ she can. (the same/time)
  20. She has lived in __________ countries __________ I have throughout her life. (as many/as)

Bài tập 4: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences using "not different from".

  1. The design of this phone is __________. (the older model / differently / not different from)
  2. Her writing style in the novel is __________. (uniquely / the famous author / not different from)
  3. The results of our survey are __________. (the expected outcomes / surprisingly / not different from)
  4. The taste of this vegan burger is __________. (the real meat / not different from / variously)
  5. The new software update is __________. (previous versions / not different from / significantly)
  6. The mood in the meeting room was __________. (yesterday's atmosphere / not different from / strangely)
  7. The performance of the electric car is __________. (not different from / traditional vehicles / poorly)
  8. The job responsibilities of the manager are __________. (not different from / the assistant manager / deeply)
  9. The price of this product is __________. (not different from / competitive markets / the competitor's)
  10. The reaction of the audience was __________. (the previous show / not different from / warmly)
  11. The fabric of the new brand is __________. (not different from / luxurious materials / cheaper alternatives)
  12. The safety features in this car model are __________. (advanced technologies / not different from / the last year's model)
  13. The plot of the sequel is __________. (dramatically / the original story / not different from)
  14. The level of difficulty in this game is __________. (not different from / the earlier levels / incredibly)
  15. The atmosphere of the new café is __________. (not different from / the cozy one downtown / vibrantly)

Bài tập 5: Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences.

  1. as / the / is / as / my sister / intelligent / I
  2. much / spends / as / money / as / He / I / do
  3. the / as / performance / Their / was / team's / our / good / as
  4. not / from / the / book / is / different / this / edition / previous
  5. has / the / dog / as / energy / much / our / as / cat
  6. as / The / last / movie / was / interesting / one / as / the
  7. the same / have / birthday / My brother / I / as
  8. not / are / from / different / The / instructions / manual / the / online / ones
  9. as / many / as / did / questions / She / answer / I
  10. coffee / as / This / tastes / good / brand / as / the / expensive
  11. as / the / has / been / weather / Today / lovely / as / yesterday
  12. the same / in / has / opinion / as / this / matter / She / I
  13. from / teaching / approach / not / professor's / is / different / The / previous / the
  14. as / in / the / this / years / as / There / past / are / tourists / many
  15. not / is / pizza / from / This / different / flavor / that
  16. the same / speaks / fluently / as / She / English / her / mother
  17. much / as / loves / He / music / as / his / sister
  18. as / are / these / comfortable / sneakers / Those / as
  19. not / from / are / different / The / solutions / proposed / others / the
  20. as / as / hard / works / He / I / do

Bài tập 6: Find the mistakes in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly.

  1. The car runs as fastly as the motorcycle.
  2. She has the same amount of books as him.
  3. His performance in the test was not different than hers.
  4. We have as much apples in our garden as they do.
  5. This smartphone model is the same powerful as the previous one.
  6. She can write as beautiful as her sister does.
  7. The new policy is as much effective as the old one.
  8. They have not different from our ideas about the new project.
  9. I spend as many time on homework as my friend.
  10. The movie was not as much interesting as the book.
  11. Our team scored the same goals as their team.
  12. He's got as much money as me.
  13. The weather today is the same sunny as it was yesterday.
  14. This version of the software behaves not different from the last version.
  15. They saw as many birds in the park as us.
  16. Her understanding of the topic is as good or better than mine.
  17. The cake tastes the same good as it looks.
  18. You have as much chances to win as anyone else.
  19. The hotel room was as clean like it was last time.
  20. This fabric feels not different than the one we used last year.

Bài tập 7: Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

  1. The book was as interesting as the movie.
  2. She has the same number of followers on Instagram as her sister.
  3. This test is not harder than the last one.
  4. We spent as much money on this vacation as we did on the last one.
  5. The weather today is as good as it was yesterday.
  6. Their car is not different from ours.
  7. He can run as fast as his brother.
  8. The new version of the app behaves the same way as the old version.
  9. She has as many friends in the city as he does.
  10. The coffee in this café tastes as good as the coffee in that café.
  11. The smartphone model is not more expensive than the previous model.
  12. I read as many books this year as I did last year.
  13. Their performance was not less impressive than expected.
  14. The teacher gives us as much homework as she gives them.
  15. This year's model is as efficient as last year's model.
  16. She speaks Spanish as fluently as her mother.
  17. The price of this product is not higher than that product.
  18. They have the same opinion on this issue as we do.
  19. His explanation was as clear as the textbook.
  20. The sequel was not less entertaining than the original movie.

Bài tập 8: Read this passage below and choose the appropriate options

Passage: Exploring New Hobbies

During the pandemic, many people found themselves with more free time than usual. As a result, exploring new hobbies became a popular way to spend this time. For instance, my friend Alice discovered that painting was (1) (A) as relaxing as / (B) more relaxing than / (C) less relaxing than reading, her previous go-to activity. Surprisingly, she found she had (2) (A) the same amount of / (B) more / (C) less  patience for painting (3) (A) as / (B) than / (C) from  what she initially thought.

Alice also tried her hand at baking. She realized that baking bread from scratch was (4) (A) as satisfying as / (B) not as satisfying as / (C) more satisfying than  buying it from the store. This was because the taste of homemade bread was (5) (A) the same / (B) not different from / (C) better than  the bakery’s. Moreover, she could bake (6) (A) as many / (B) fewer / (C) more  loaves of bread as she wanted, compared to what was available at her local bakery.

Alice and I decided to take up jogging together, aiming to improve our fitness. We jogged (7) (A) as regularly as / (B) more regularly than / (C) less regularly than  we had gone to the gym in the past. Our endurance levels, by the end of three months, were (8) (A) not different from / (B) worse than / (C) better than  when we started, showing significant improvement. It was clear that jogging was (9) (A) as effective as / (B) more effective than / (C) less effective than  our previous workout routines.

In the end, exploring these hobbies taught us that trying new things can be (10) (A) as rewarding as / (B) more rewarding than / (C) less rewarding than  sticking to what we already know. It was a lesson in how flexibility and openness can lead to discovering passions we never knew we had.


Đáp án bài tập so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh

Bài tập 1

  1. Tom is as heavy as Jerry.
  2. My car can go as fast as your car.
  3. This book has as many pages as that book.
  4. Sally can run as far as Mike.
  5. The Eiffel Tower is not as tall as the Chrysler Building. (Note: This sentence shows inequality and can be a trick question to test understanding.)
  6. I sleep as long as my brother.
  7. Our garden has as many roses as their garden.
  8. The movie lasted as long as the play.
  9. She can speak Spanish as fluently as he can.
  10. This summer is as hot as last summer.
  11. Kevin’s essay is as long as Rachel’s essay.
  12. The coffee in this café tastes as good as the coffee in that café.
  13. The computer game costs as much as the board game.
  14. Julia sings as beautifully as her sister.
  15. Our teacher gives us as much homework as their teacher gives them.
  16. The water in the lake is as clear as the water in the river.
  17. This painting is as old as that sculpture.
  18. Jack can hold his breath as long as Jill.
  19. The science exam was as difficult as the math exam.
  20. Our new sofa is as comfortable as our old armchair.


Bài tập 2

  1. B) fast
  2. B) fluently
  3. C) quickly
  4. C) suddenly
  5. B) smoothly
  6. C) beautifully
  7. B) punctually
  8. C) carefully
  9. A) good
  10. B) clearly
  11. B) professionally
  12. C) excitingly
  13. B) closely
  14. C) clearly
  15. B) efficiently


Bài tập 3

  1. the same number of pages as
  2. as much money as
  3. the same level of intelligence as
  4. as many goals as
  5. the same amount of time as
  6. as much coffee as
  7. the same number of problems as
  8. as many kilometers as
  9. the same amount of sugar as
  10. the same birthday as
  11. as many books as
  12. the same number of types of flowers as
  13. as many high scores as
  14. the same benefits as
  15. the same opinion on
  16. the same quality as
  17. the same amount of time as
  18. the same color of fur as
  19. the same amount of time as
  20. as many countries as


Bài tập 4:

  1. not different from the older model
  2. not different from the famous author
  3. not different from the expected outcomes
  4. not different from the real meat
  5. not different from previous versions
  6. not different from yesterday's atmosphere
  7. not different from traditional vehicles
  8. not different from the assistant manager
  9. not different from the competitor's
  10. not different from the previous show
  11. not different from luxurious materials
  12. not different from the last year's model
  13. not different from the original story
  14. not different from the earlier levels
  15. not different from the cozy one downtown

Bài tập 5:

  1. My sister is as intelligent as I.
  2. He spends as much money as I do.
  3. Their performance was as good as our team's.
  4. This edition is not different from the previous book.
  5. Our dog has as much energy as our cat.
  6. The last movie was as interesting as the one.
  7. My brother and I have the same birthday.
  8. The instructions are not different from the online ones.
  9. She answered as many questions as I did.
  10. This coffee tastes as good as the expensive brand.
  11. Today's weather has been as lovely as yesterday's.
  12. She has the same opinion in this matter as I do.
  13. The professor's teaching approach is not different from the previous.
  14. There are as many tourists this year as in the past years.
  15. This pizza flavor is not different from that.
  16. She speaks English as fluently as her mother.
  17. He loves music as much as his sister.
  18. These sneakers are as comfortable as those.
  19. The proposed solutions are not different from the others.
  20. He works as hard as I do.

Bài tập 6:

  1. The car runs as fast as the motorcycle.
  2. She has the same number of books as him.
  3. His performance in the test was not different from hers.
  4. We have as many apples in our garden as they do.
  5. This smartphone model is as powerful as the previous one.
  6. She can write as beautifully as her sister does.
  7. The new policy is as effective as the old one.
  8. They have ideas not different from ours about the new project.
  9. I spend as much time on homework as my friend.
  10. The movie was not as interesting as the book.
  11. Our team scored as many goals as their team.
  12. He's got as much money as I do.
  13. The weather today is just as sunny as it was yesterday.
  14. This version of the software behaves no differently from the last version.
  15. They saw as many birds in the park as we did.
  16. Her understanding of the topic is as good as or better than mine.
  17. The cake tastes as good as it looks.
  18. You have as many chances to win as anyone else.
  19. The hotel room was as clean as it was last time.
  20. This fabric feels no different from the one we used last year.


Bài tập 7:

  1. The movie was not less interesting than the book.
  2. Her sister has as many followers on Instagram as she does.
  3. This test is as easy as the last one.
  4. We spent the same amount of money on this vacation as on the last one.
  5. The weather today is not worse than yesterday.
  6. Our car is the same as theirs.
  7. His brother cannot run faster than him.
  8. The old version of the app behaves no differently from the new version.
  9. He has the same number of friends in the city as she does.
  10. The coffee in that café is not worse than the coffee in this café.
  11. The previous model of the smartphone is as expensive as the new model.
  12. I did not read fewer books this year than last year.
  13. Their performance was as impressive as expected.
  14. She gives them as much homework as she gives us.
  15. Last year's model is not less efficient than this year's model.
  16. Her mother speaks Spanish as fluently as she does.
  17. That product is as expensive as this product.
  18. We have the same opinion on this issue as they do.
  19. The textbook is not clearer than his explanation.
  20. The original movie was as entertaining as the sequel.


Bài tập 8:

  1. A) as relaxing as
  2. A) the same amount of
  3. A) as
  4. C) more satisfying than
  5. B) not different from
  6. A) as many
  7. A) as regularly as
  8. A) not different from
  9. A) as effective as
  10. A) as rewarding as


Tổng kết

So sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh là một phần quan trọng không chỉ trong giao tiếp hàng ngày mà còn trong các bài thi tiếng Anh. Qua bài viết này, Athena hy vọng người đọc có thể hiểu rõ hơn về cách sử dụng các công thức so sánh bằng và có thể áp dụng chúng một cách linh hoạt trong các tình huống khác nhau. Đừng bao giờ ngừng luyện tập để nâng cao khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình!

Còn nếu vẫn chưa tự tin với khả năng tự ôn IELTS của mình, hãy tham khảo khóa học IELTS toàn diện từ 0 đạt 6.5-8.0+ dành cho người mất gốc tại Athena. 

  • Lộ trình học “tối giản”, “tối ưu” giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức cơ bản, và nắm chắc tấm bằng IELTS 6.5+ trong tầm tay.
  • Giáo trình và phương pháp được chính Ths. Đỗ Vân Anh (8.5 IELTS với 10 năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy TOEIC/IELTS)  biên soạn và giảng dạy trực tiếp.
  • Học phí “nhẹ ví” với các bạn sinh viên: Khóa IELTS từ mất gốc đến 6.5+ tại Athena là lựa chọn phù hợp với các bạn sinh viên mong muốn sở hữu tấm bằng IELTS với chi phí thấp nhưng chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, Athena còn trao học bổng định kỳ với các bạn đạt điểm IELTS như mong ước. 

Thông tin chi tiết về khoá học IELTS từ 0 đạt 6.5-8.0 của Athena TẠI ĐÂY.

so sánh bằng trong tiếng anh

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