Sample IELTS Speaking Part 3 Test 4 sách Cambridge 19

| Đăng bởi Anh ngữ Athena

Tham khảo chủ đề "The beauty industry" và "Beauty and culture" trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 Test 04 sách Cambridge 19 cùng Anh ngữ Athena ngay tại đây.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Test 04 Cambridge 19

Chủ đề: The beauty industry

Do you agree that most beauty products are a waste of money?

Absolutely not! There is a reason why those products are so popular and people pay an absurd amount of money for different types of cosmetics. Individuals can embrace their beauty when they have the ability to show off their appearance or hide any imperfections that they may not feel particularly confident about. Besides, purchasing and experimenting with different beauty products can be a hobby for some people, and who am I to judge what people with their time and money?

  • Absurd (adj): lố bịch
  • Cosmetics (n): mỹ phẩm
  • Imperfection (n): khuyết điểm
  • Experiment (v): thử nghiệm
  • Judge (v): đánh giá

How does the beauty industry advertise its products so successfully?

There can be several factors that contribute to the success of cosmetic advertisements. One reason is that those ads are designed to specifically target people’s insecurities. The models or influencers who are endorsing those products would create content while using the products and applying makeup and video filters to make their appearance seem perfect and flawless. This would establish a false illusion of beauty and persuade the consumers to buy the products to improve their appearance and hide physical traits that are undesirable. Combined with the mass advertising campaigns, this strategy would ensure that the products being advertised will enjoy positive publicity.

  • Insecurity (n): sự tự ti
  • Flawless (adj): hoàn hảo, không tì vết
  • Illusion (n): ảo tưởng
  • Physical trait (np): đặc điểm thể chất
  • Undesirable (adj): không mong muốn
  • Publicity (n): truyền thông

What do you think of the view that beauty products should not be advertised to children?

I am a bit torn on this. I can understand that being beautiful is a right that everyone, including children, should have. So barring children from having the ability to use beauty products can be problematic. However, I believe that giving children such options can damage their mental development. By having access to cosmetics from an early age, children may find that beauty can only be obtained through the use of those products and develop skewed ideas of beauty. With that being said, I think the best course of action would be to only allow the use of beauty products after a person enters adulthood and can decide what is best for them.

  • Torn (adj): phân vân
  • Bar (v): cấm
  • Mental development (np): sự phát triển về mặt tinh thần
  • Skewed (adj): lệch lạc
  • Course of action (np): phương án hành động
  • Enter adulthood (collocation): trưởng thành

Chủ đề: Beauty and culture

Why do so many people equate youth with beauty?

Probably due to the fear of aging. The general consensus is that getting old is a negative phenomenon and that the physical signs of old age such as wrinkles and grey hair should be shunned at all costs. Conversely, beauty would be defined as not displaying any not those signs and is commonly associated with the concept of being young. It is no wonder that people would do anything from using all types of products to altering their appearance through medical procedures to prolong their youth.

  • General consensus (n): quan điểm chung
  • Phenomenon (n): hiện tượng
  • Wrinkle (n): nếp nhăn
  • Shun (v): tránh
  • At all costs (collocation): bằng mọi giá
  • Associate (v): liên hệ
  • Concept (n): khái niệm

Do you think that being beautiful could affect a person’s success in life?

Yes, I do believe so. Beauty doesn’t usually completely decide whether a person is successful, but it is indeed a powerful tool to have. In professions where physical appearance is crucial such as television hosts, beauty can determine a person’s career path. When considering two potential candidates who are equally competent for a position, it is likely that the recruiters would choose the one who is better looking. While it ultimately comes down to their capabilities and work ethics, having a presentable appearance can help a candidate stand out in an audition or interview. 

  • Candidate (n): ứng cử viên
  • Competent (adj): có khả năng
  • Recruiter (n): nhà tuyển dụng
  • Come down to (vp): phụ thuộc vào

Why might society’s ideas about beauty change over time?

I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, therefore the way people perceive beauty may change to suit the social climate. We used to view individuals with a larger physique to be the pinnacle of beauty since they are wealthy and have a higher socioeconomic status. That school of thinking certainly hasn’t held up to today’s standards, and it’s only fair to assume that it will continuously change in the future according to the state of our society. I think it is just a natural progression of the human race.

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (proverb): vẻ đẹp tùy vào quan điểm của người xem
  • Perceive (v): nhìn nhận
  • Social climate (collocation): môi trường xã hội
  • Physique (n): thể chất
  • Pinnacle of beauty (np): đỉnh cao của vẻ đẹp
  • Socioeconomic status (np): địa vị kinh tế xã hội
  • Progression (n): sự chuyển dịch

Tổng kết

Trên đây là bài mẫu tham khảo IELTS Speaking Part 3 Test 04 Cambridge 19. Ngoài ra, người học cũng có thể cân nhắc luyện tập online qua các bài kiểm tra tại trang Online Test của website Bên cạnh đó, để giúp ôn luyện hiệu quả, bạn có thể tham khảo khóa học IELTS toàn diện từ mất gốc cam kết đầu ra tối thiểu 6.5+ của Athena giúp bạn tăng điểm Speaking nhanh chóng: 

  • Lộ trình học từ 0 đạt 6.5-7.5+ IELTS tinh gọn trong 80 buổi.
  • Được giảng dạy trực tiếp bởi ThS. Đỗ Vân Anh (8.5 IELTS, 9.0 Listening với 11 năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy TOEIC/IELTS).  
  • Học phí “nhẹ ví” với các bạn sinh viên: Khóa IELTS từ mất gốc đến 7.5+ tại Athena là lựa chọn phù hợp với các bạn sinh viên mong muốn sở hữu tấm bằng IELTS với chi phí thấp - chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, Athena còn trao học bổng định kỳ với các bạn học viên hoàn thành tốt chương trình học.
  • Anh ngữ Athena hỗ trợ 50% lệ phí thi chứng chỉ IELTS tương đương 2.000.000đ. 

Giảng viên Athena

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